ISIAQ Board of Directors

Meet the Current ISIAQ Board of Directors

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Kerry Kinney

University of Texas at Austin

Dr. Kerry Kinney is the Gilven Centennial Professor in the Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin as well as a Professor in the Department of Population Health at the Dell Medical School. Her cross-disciplinary research in environmental engineering centers on the investigation of human exposure to contaminants in the built environment.  Her research team investigates microbial communities, pathogens, allergens and pollutants present in a range of settings including homes, schools, and commercial buildings.  Her current research focuses on microbiome and pathogen studies, bioaerosols, contaminant exposure pathways as well identifying the relationships between indoor exposures and the physical and mental health of building occupants.



James McGrath

University of Galway

Dr James McGrath is a research fellow and honorary research lecturer at the University of Galway, where he has accumulated over 13 years of experience working in the field. His primary research focuses on filling the knowledge gap between building energy performance, risk of overheating and indoor air and environmental quality, including energy retrofit strategies and the application of low-cost remote sensors. He currently serves as the Treasurer on ISIAQ's Board of Directors and vice-chair of ISIAQ STC 12 – Source, monitoring and evaluation: Aerosols. His combined monetary achievements are in excess of €1.8 M as either PI or Co-PI. He has been an invited expert advisor to the steering committee for the Irish National Radon Control Strategy on the topic of ventilation. He has a wealth of experience in public outreach and regularly engages with multiple media outlets (tv productions, radio interviews, and national newspapers) on radon, indoor air quality and ventilation.



Jelle Laverge

Ghent University

Dr Jelle Laverge is currently a full-time associate professor at Ghent University, a part-time attorney-at-law in a private practice focused on construction law and (since 2020) the operating agent of IEA-EBC Annex 86. As of September, he will be the chair of the department of Architecture and Urban Planning at Ghent University. He was a previously a board member of ISIAQ between 2012 and 2020 (student-rep, IA16 president and treasurer), the president of Indoor Air 2016 in Ghent, PI of the H2020 ‘hybridGEOTABS’ project and scientific co-chair of Building Simulation 2020 in Bruges.



Nicola Carslaw

University of York

Dr Nicola Carslaw is a Professor of Indoor Air Chemistry at the University of York. She earned her PhD from the University of East Anglia in 1995 and then worked as a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Leeds, developing chemical models for outdoor air quality. In 2000, she joined the University of York as a Lecturer. For over 20 years, her research has focused on indoor air quality, investigating chemical processes that lead to harmful air pollutants indoors. Her current research explores pollution from cleaning devices, materials, and human activities. She leads the 2.8M INGENIOUS project on indoor air quality, behavior, and health in Bradford homes and received funding to establish the UK’s first indoor air testing facility, INTERIORS. She also led the INDAIRPOLLNET project, guiding future indoor air research in Europe, and contributes to the UK Department of Health’s COMEAP and SAGE committee reports.



Dusan Licina


Dr Dusan Licina is assistant professor at EPFL and director of the Human-Oriented Built Environment Laboratory, with research focused on sustainable and healthy built environments, particularly indoor air pollutants, their dynamics, inhalation exposure, and air quality management. Holds MSc and BSc degrees in mechanical engineering from the University of Belgrade and completed a joint Doctorate at the National University of Singapore and Technical University of Denmark, followed by postdoctoral work at UC Berkeley. Prior to EPFL, directed the Standard Development team at the International WELL Building Institute, developing the WELL Building Standard. Recipient of several awards, including the Yaglou award from ISIAQ and the Ralph G. Nevin’s award from ASHRAE for significant research on sustainable healthy buildings. Serves on the editorial board of the Indoor Environments journal. Passionate about raising awareness of global air quality issues and developing buildings that achieve Michelin Star indoor air quality.

Vice President Research

James Bennett

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health

Dr. James Bennett is a research engineer with the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) at the CDC, with over 30 years of experience in industrial hygiene. His expertise includes engineering controls, exposure quantification, and contaminant transport modeling, focusing on CFD and spatial models in built and industrial environments. He holds a BSE in Electrical Engineering from the University of Michigan and a Masters and Ph.D. in Environmental Health Sciences from the University of South Carolina, where he was the Graduate Student of the Year in 1999. An ASHRAE member, Dr. Bennett has chaired the Indoor Environmental Modeling Technical Committee and the Technical Activities Committee. He contributed to the ASHRAE Fundamentals and Applications Handbooks and led ASHRAE Research Project 1512. His research spans disease transmission in aircraft cabins, site assessment, decontamination, and innovative ventilation design. Dr. Bennett collaborated with the FAA, CDC, Canadian National Research Council, and Boeing on infectious disease in air travel. He has 40 peer-reviewed publications, numerous conference presentations, and media appearances.

Vice President Policy

Karen Dannemiller

The Ohio State University

Dr. Karen Dannemiller is an Associate Professor at Ohio State University, holding joint appointments in Civil, Environmental, and Geodetic Engineering, Environmental Health Sciences, and Microbiology. A core faculty member of the Sustainability Institute, she leads an interdisciplinary research group focused on chemical and microbial processes in indoor environments impacting human health. Her work is funded by organizations such as HUD, NSF, NIH, NASA, and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. She has been recognized with the IMR Early Career Innovator of the Year award, BEWEL Leadership in Innovation award, Lumley Engineering Research Award, and NSF CAREER award. She has presented at major conferences and her research has been featured by CNN, PBS, NYTimes, and NPR. Dr. Dannemiller received her B.S. from Brown University and her M.S., M.Phil, and Ph.D. from Yale University. She was the President of the Indoor Air 2024 Conference and a distinguished mentor, having received the Distinguished Denman Research Mentor Award.

Vice President Practice

Qihong Deng

Zhengzhou University School of Public Health

Dr Qihong Deng is a chair professor and deputy dean of Zhengzhou University School of Public Health, China. Dr Deng is focused on the health risk of air pollution and global warming, with the objectives to design comfortable and healthy buildings/cities. His recent findings that prenatal exposure to indoor/outdoor air pollution increases the risk of allergic diseases in children provide a new public health control strategy for preventing the rapid increase of childhood allergic diseases in the world, and have been incorporated into several international consensus, guidelines, and policies. He is an associate editor for International Journal of Environmental Health Research, and editorial board members for more than 10 international journals including Environment International, International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, Building and Environment, Energy and Buildings, and Indoor Air. Dr Deng is an elected fellow of the International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ), New York Academy of Medicine (NYAM), Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH), Royal Meteorological Society (RMetS), and International Society of the Built Environment (ISBE) and was also the president of Healthy Buildings 2019 Asia.

Immediate Past President


Ying Xu

Tsinghua University

Dr Ying Xu an Associate Professor in the Department of Building Science at Tsinghua University in China since 2018. Prior to the position, she was Assistant Professor (2009-2015) and tenured Associate Professor (2016-2018) at the University of Texas at Austin. She received her Ph.D. degree from Virginia Tech in 2009 and M.Sc. and B.Sc. degrees from Tsinghua University in China in 2001 and 2004. Dr. Xu's research is focused on understanding the relationships among sources, indoor environments, and human health for indoor pollutants, especially semi-volatile organic compounds and has been a principal investigator on many research projects and supervised several PhD students who became assistant professors or research scientists who continued their careers in the field of indoor air quality. Her research has been funded by the U.S. NSF, NIOSH, EPA, HUD, ASHRAE, and Chinese ODC and has published over 80 papers in top journals of environmental engineering and in conference proceedings. Two journal publications were selected for special honors, one as the Editors’ Choice Article by the American Chemical Society (ACS) and the other in the Science Selections by the journal Environmental Health Perspectives. She has served on the editorial board of Indoor Air, Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology, and PLOS ONE.

Academy of Fellows

Shelly Miller

University of Colorado Boulder

Dr. Shelly L. Miller is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering and faculty in the Environmental Engineering Program at the University of Colorado Boulder, holding an M.S. and Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering from University of California, Berkeley, and a B.S. in Applied Mathematics from Harvey Mudd College.  Dr. Miller studies suburban air quality and works diligently to understand the impact of air pollution on public health and the environment. She is an expert on indoor air quality, airborne infectious disease transmission, air pollution and air cleaning technologies, and assessing and mitigating urban air pollution exposures in underserved communities. Dr. Miller is a member of the Academy of Fellows of the International Society for Indoor Air and Climate (ISIAQ) and is also an Associate Editor for Environmental Science and Technology. Dr. Miller has published over 100 peer reviewed articles on air quality including timely papers on COVID-19 transmission and control and is the principal investigator on the National Science Foundation’s Social Justice and Environmental Equity Project in Denver (

Journal Editor

Indoor Environments

Yuguo Li

The University of Hong Kong

Dr Yuguo Li is Chair Professor (building environment) at Department of Mechanical Engineering and Chair Professor (by courtesy) at Faculty of Architecture. He currently serves as Associate Dean (Research) of Engineering. He served as  Head of Department of Mechanical Engineering and Honorary Professor of School of public Health, the University of Hong Kong. He joined the University in 2000. Li was a Principal Research Scientist and the team leader of indoor environments at CSIRO Australia prior to 2000. He was educated at Shanghai Jiaotong University, Tsinghua University, and the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. His research interests are in building environment engineering. His current research topics include city climate, environment studies of infection, and indoor environment. He was the President of Indoor Air 2014 conference and the past President of ISIAQ Academy of Fellows.

Coordinator of Chapters

Chun Chen

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Dr. Chun Chen is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), Hong Kong SAR, China. He received his B.Eng. and M.Eng. degrees from the Department of Building Science at Tsinghua University in 2009 and 2012, respectively. He received his Ph.D. degree from the School of Mechanical Engineering at Purdue University in 2015. After his graduate study, Dr. Chen worked as a Visiting Assistant Professor at Purdue University, and then joined CUHK as an Assistant Professor in 2016. His research interests include indoor air quality, energy efficient buildings, particle filtration technologies, and airborne infectious disease transmission. Dr. Chen has published 69 peer-reviewed journal papers as the first or corresponding author in the top-tier journals in the field such as Building and Environment, Energy and Buildings, Indoor Air, Journal of Hazardous Materials, etc. His work has been cited by over 3,900 times in Google Scholar, the H-index is 30, and there are 10 papers with over 100 citations. Dr. Chen received the 2012 Best Paper Award and 2022 Best Paper Award for a Young Author of Building and Environment journal, and the Best Student Paper Award of Indoor Air 2014 Conference.

Coordinator of Relations with Other Organizations

Wenjuan Wei

Scientific and Technical Centre for Building

Dr Wenjuan WEI, a senior research scientist at the Scientific and Technical Centre for Building (CSTB, France, since 2018). Earned a PhD degree in Civil Engineering from Tsinghua University (2009-2014). Prior to the current position, served as a guest researcher at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST, USA, 2011-2012), and as a post-doctoral researcher at CSTB (2016-2018). Research interests include the emission and transport of (semi)volatile organic compounds (S)VOCs, indoor heat and pollutant exposures, and indoor environmental quality (IEQ) assessment. Recognized with the Yaglou Award by the ISIAQ Academy in 2022 for work on IEQ metrics and indoor SVOC transport. Participated in several European and French research projects investigating the climate impact on IEQ and has served in ISIAQ STC 32 (environmental/climate impacts) as co-chair since 2022. Published 43 peer-reviewed journal articles, with an h-index of 22.

Student Representative

Rachel Hurley

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Rachel Hurley is a first-year PhD student and NSF GRFP recipient in Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering, affiliated with the Fire Protection Engineering Department. A member of ASHRAE on the technical committee for human and occupant behavior. Graduated from Lafayette College with a 4.0 in Integrative Engineering with a concentration in Environment and Energy. Over three years of research experience in Civil Engineering, covering water resources, human health, comfort and cognition related to indoor environmental quality, and human behavior. Presented research at the 2022 Conference on Building Energy and the Environment and the 2023 Healthy Indoors Conference. Current research focuses on modeling indoor volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from wildfire smoke and the impacts of building characteristics and human behaviors on indoor VOC partitioning and behaviors. Leadership experience includes serving as student president of the Engineering Student Council at Lafayette, launching the first division-wide peer mentorship program, and organizing DEI-focused events and modules.

Healthy Buildings Europe 2025

Sylgja Dögg

Conference President

Healthy Buildings Asia 2025

Vinod Sekar

Conference President

Indoor Air Singapore 2026

Tham Kwak Wai

Conference President


Nadia Boschi


Head of Sustainability Italy & Continental Europe at Lendlease and Ambassador of the World Green Building Council’s Building Life policy campaign. A long-term member of ISIAQ, previously serving as Secretary (2000-2003) and President (2003-2006). Holds an Architecture graduate degree and a PhD in Architectural Technology and Environment from the Polytechnic of Milan (Italy). After an initial 10-year career at Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University (US) as Professor of Building Construction, transitioned to industry with Lendlease, an Australian developer. Over the past 15 years, held several international positions, becoming a recognized sustainability strategist and leader in market positioning of large-scale urban developments. Known for building high-performing teams across cultures, leveraging a unique combination of technical and commercial expertise. Passionate about sustainable development – both social and environmental – and embedding it in complex projects to drive innovation and create value for all stakeholders.


Janice Green

Jamaica Premix Concrete Limited/Jamaica Aggregates Limited

Janice Green is the International Commission on Occupational Health (ICOH) National Secretary for Jamaica and a Finance Board Committee Member with the American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP). She holds memberships in Workplace Health Without Borders, Canada, and the Human Resource Management Association of Jamaica (HRMAJ) and is a past president of the Jamaica Occupational Health & Safety Professionals Association. From 2012 to 2016, she served as Board Secretary for the St. Catherine Cooperative Credit Union and chaired the Education and Marketing Committee. From 2017 to 2021, she was a Board Member and chaired the Marketing and Human Resource Committees at EduCom Cooperative Credit Union. Janice is now a sponsor Trustee for EduCom's Pension Plan and a corporate presenter and trainer in occupational health and safety and human resource management. She holds a Master in Occupational Safety and Health from the University of Turin, an MBA from the Mona School of Business, and a BSc in Human Resource Management from the University of Technology, Jamaica. She is currently the Human Resource Manager at Jamaica Premix Concrete Limited/Jamaica Aggregates Limited.

Corporate and Other Organizational Members
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