Innovation Network

The Indoor Environment Innovation Network's primary mission is to assess and communicate groundbreaking research pathways within indoor air sciences. By spearheading forward-thinking initiatives on emerging indoor environment subjects and facilitating timely discussions, the Innovation Network ensures a dynamic platform for advancement and innovation in the field.
Discover the Future of Indoor Air Quality Research Collaboration
with Dustin Poppendieck and Richard Shaughnessy
The Innovation Network is comprised of ISIAQ Research Collaboratives. Research Collaboratives focus on specific topics relevant to indoor air quality and climate. Collaboratives have an initial three-year term, providing a dynamic platform for interdisciplinary collaboration and knowledge exchange. Following this period, Research Collaboratives may apply for extensions in two-year terms.
The Research Collaboratives operate with a clear mandate, working toward specific outcomes as outlined in their applications to ISIAQ. These outcomes may encompass public information campaigns, policy papers, webinar series, interactive events, and other initiatives aimed at advancing our understanding and addressing challenges in indoor air quality and climate.
ISIAQ members are welcome to submit applications to launch Research Collaboratives via this
online form. Applications will be reviewed by the ISIAQ Board of Directors on a rolling basis.