Opening & Awards for Indoor Air 2016
Keynote Sessions
Disentangling sustainable building research and design for IEQ
Hal Levin - Building Ecology Research Group
Old and new currents in research ethics and epistemology: the case for IAQ
Mariachiara Tallacchini - Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore - Piacenza, Italy
Bringing atmospheric and surface chemistry indoors
Vicki H. Grassian - Distinguished Chair of Physical Chemistry, University of California San Diego
Indoor air cleaning: where we are and where to go?
Yinping Zhang - Department of Building Science, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China; Beijing Key Laboratory of Indoor Air Quality Evaluation and Control, Beijing, China
How ventilation affects schoolkids
William Fisk - Sr. Scientist, Indoor Environment Group, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
HVAC filters as a novel sampling method for indoor particles
Jeffrey Siegel - University of Toronto
Stress and dose/response interactions
Jane Clougherty - Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, University of Pittsburgh, Graduate School of Public Health
Sensory perception of the indoor environment
Thomas Hummel - TU-Dresden ENT Clinic
Implementation of safe, healthy, energy efficient and sustainable buildings in the European Union: status and challenges
Stylianos Kephalopoulos - European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Health and Consumer Protection
Indoor microbial communities as seen through the lenses of molecular biology, particle transport physics, and chemistry
Tom Bruns - Department of Plant & Microbial Biology, UC Berkeley
A “skinful” of secrets: dermal exposure and effects
Gabriel Bekö - Department of Civil Engineering, DTU Civil Engineering
Smart surfaces: self-cleaning titanium dioxide (TiO2) coatings for depollution purposes
Dimitris Kotzias - Ex-Official, JRC Institute for Health and Consumer Protection
From research to a product in a developing market
Catlin Powers - Co-Founder & CEO at One Earth Designs
Keynote Awards & Closing Ceremony for Indoor Air 2016
Keynote Awards & Closing Ceremony