Developing A Global IAQ Database
Chairperson: Dusan Licina
The goal of this Research Collaborative is to build a global IAQ database. Having access to indoor air quality dataset from all around the world will support scientific inquiries about indoor air quality controls. The creation of IAQ database will also enable researchers, practitioners, policy makers and other end users to retrieve and analyze data from the database, to produce new knowledge, and improve existing and undertake new initiatives and policies for effective indoor air quality management. This will lead to improved scientific and general g of air contaminant concentrations in relation to different building-, geographical- and climatic characteristics and, ultimately, to improved human health outcomes.
How to get involvedThis research collaborative is looking for individuals who'd like to contribute in the following ways:
- To share relevant information for the realization of this project
- To contribute with indoor air quality dataset
- To become an active member of the project
If you are interested in joining this research collaborative,
contact the chairperson.
The IAQ database will contain information that is structured according to the following six data categories:
- Category 1, Basic information: This category includes information about the data source, sample size (number of buildings, spaces/rooms), geographical location, and climatic data.
- Category 2, Building information: This category contains data inputs about building and types, occupancy status, construction/renovation year, building certification, ventilation/heating/cooling strategy, environmental control and presence of any typical source of indoor air pollution.
- Category 3, Physical measurements indoors: This largest category of data includes the physical measures of various indoor air pollutants including various organic and inorganic gaseous pollutants, particulate number and mass concentration, concentration of biological pollutants, measurements in settled dust and indoor climate (air temperature and relative humidity).
- Category 4, Physical measurements at individual level: This category collects data measured at the individual level (within 0.5 m radius from the breathing zone). It also includes information about subjects’ age and sex. The data in this category will be collected only if concurrent data from Category 3 are collected.
- Category 5, Physical measurements outdoors: This category includes information about measured outdoor air temperature and relative humidity, and a few basic air quality pollutants. The data in this category will be collected only if concurrent data from Category 3 are collected.
- Category 6, Method of data collection: This category includes information about methods of data collection/analysis, time-resolution, duration, instrumentation used and associated uncertainties.