Coordinator of Chapters - Lada Hensen Centnerová

Physics and Services unit of the Department of the Built Environment, Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands. She is Operational Director of postmaster program Smart Buildings and Cities. She is chairman of the board of the Dutch chapter of the International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (since April 2018) and chairman of the editorial board of TVVL Magazine (Dutch Society of Building Services Engineers) since June 2017. 

Lada Hensen Centnerová graduated from the Slovak University of Technology Bratislava in Civil Engineering with specialization Building Services Systems. She became assistant professor in the Department of Micro environmental and Building Services Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague. In 2001 she was awarded the PhD degree by the Czech Technical University in Prague. Her research was about empirical verification of adaptive and traditional model of thermal comfort and about simulation based prediction of building energy consumption consequences of adaptive instead of traditional thermal comfort approaches in countries with temperate climates such as the Czech Republic and the Netherlands. 

Her current research focuses on indoor environment quality, especially thermal comfort and indoor air quality and their relation to health and wellbeing. As a chairman of one of four(?) national Chapters in ISIAQ, I would like to have more contact with the other chapters. Not just one meeting at healthy Buildings conference like I have experienced until now. Until now I did focus on the Dutch situation only but I would like to get more involved internationally.

Another reason is that I am a member of organization committee for CLIMA 2022 in The Netherland (president Atze Boerstra, one of former presidents). We would like to organize a half day program based on presentations from members and members of other ISIAQ Chapters.  
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